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Chisholm Trail Student Wins First Place at the State Fair of Texas

Student holding a blue ribbon with a goatA Chisholm Trail High School senior is a State Fair of Texas champion after showing his Lamancha Dairy Goat in Dallas in October.

Patrick Wells and his goat Rose Red took first place in the Lamanche Dairy Goat Breed class. He also won third place in showmanship.

“When I took Rose to the show, I didn't expect to win. It was a new experience for both of us. I had never showed my dairy goat before and she's still a kid,” Wells said. “We went in the ring, and I was just hoping not to come in last. It was an amazing experience being moved to the front of the line and realizing that meant we won.”

Winning first place at the State Fair of Texas is a special experience that only a handful of students across the state experience each year. 

“I was so excited for Patrick,” said Carla Cullum, his Agriculture Teacher and FFA Advisor at Chisholm Trail. “I have taught Ag for 14 years and that was my first time to have a student win the State Fair of Texas. Also, to see the excitement of Patrick’s face was priceless! To know all that hard work, time and dedication paid off.”

Wells chose Rose Red from a Lamancha breeder earlier this year and spent hours each day over the summer earning her trust, feeding her and tending to her other needs. Wells, like other students who raise an animal in the Boswell-Saginaw-Chisholm Trail (BSCT) FFA, head to the barn several times a day to take care of their animals. 

“It takes a lot of time, hard work and dedication to take on projects in FFA,” Cullum said.

In EMS ÀÏ˾»ú¸£ÀûÉç, with a focus on providing personalized opportunities for all students, both animal science and plant science programs of study are offered. Courses at EMS ÀÏ˾»ú¸£ÀûÉç high schools include Livestock Production, Small Animal Management, Equine Science and Floral Design. At the Hollenstien Career and Technology Center, students can take courses including Advanced Animal Science, Veterinary Medicine and a Veterinary Science practicum course.

Students like Wells can also participate in the BSCT FFA. EMS ÀÏ˾»ú¸£ÀûÉç is in the planning stages of constructing a new Agriculture Sciences facility as interest in these programs has grown. Approved by voters in the November 2023 Bond Election, the modern facility will be located on district owned land (the current facility is on leased property) and will cater to the more than 1,100 EMS ÀÏ˾»ú¸£ÀûÉç students involved in agriculture programs, opening up new opportunities for younger students.

“I would tell younger kids that raising an animal to show is an amazing experience, and a great pathway to take in high school. It gives you a chance to grow in ways that you wouldn't be able to without having something else depending on you,” Wells said.

We are #EMSproud of Patrick Wells for being a State Fair of Texas champion with his Lamancha dairy goat Rose Red.